The evolution of web
The evolution of Web (Web 1.0 to Web 3.0)

The transition from web 1.0 to web 3.0
The Internet and the Web are not quite the same things, yet they are closely linked. The Internet is a network of networks that connects millions of computers across the world, allowing them to interact with each other. The World Wide Web (WWW) is a technique which gather information through the internet by displaying web pages on a browser, where information’s linked through hyperlinks. Lets discuss the evolution of Web.
Web1.0, also called the informational web, is the first generation of the web. Web pages are to read and share information’s.
Web 2.0 refers to websites that emphasize user-generated content, ease of use, participatory culture and interoperability for end users.
Some would say that the change from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 is still visible today, even though Web 3.0 technology has been around for a few years. This is because websites are still just static pages, and some users are still hesitant to use new technology and all it can do to help us.
Web3.0 could be termed by words like “semantic web” and “customization” like “my Yahoo,” “iGoogle,” and so on. It turns the Web into a language that can be read and sorted by the system instead of humans.

Web 1.0
The internet as we know it got its start on the “read-only web“. There was only information on websites, and they were all made up of static content. Web pages connected by links, and there was nothing interactive or design-wise on them.
Early Search Engines, the first search engine was called “Archie Query Form“. When it came out in 1994, Lycos was one of the biggest search engines (who else had a @lycos email address?). A year later, AltaVista came out, and in 1996, it reached its peak with 80 million users per day. A huge amount in such a short amount of time.
Yahoo also started up in 1995, and as of this writing, it is still the third-largest search engine with a 13 percent market share. It is one of the few search engines to start up in the 90s and still be around after Google took over.
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is well-established after 10 years. Even though Web 3.0 has been around for a few years, some argue the transformation from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 is still obvious. Websites are still static pages, and some people are afraid to utilize new technologies.
Web 2.0 simplifies communication and tasks online. The smartphone market is approximately $500 billion. Developers can design user-friendly websites using current web technologies. Web applications are designed to save our time and make our lives simpler, but it’s not easy at all. People and companies may now utilize the web to generate money or acquire power.
LimeWire, which is no longer accessible, allowed us to download music slowly for our iPods (2001). Streaming services have slashed artists’ income from CDs and vinyl records. Flash websites appeared when web design was bad. On company websites, dancing Homers with nonstop music wouldn’t stop. Apple is a hero for killing Flash.
Apple and Samsung were dominating smartphone sales. Smartphones created new jobs for UI and UX Designers. The smartphones keeps on upgrading and covered a long way for their contributions.
Web 3.0
The next stage of the web is already underway, although the transition from version 2.0 to 3.0 must be gradual due to changes in use. As more individuals utilize technology and speeds improve, few technophobes are there too. We know a few things about Web 3.0
We are now in the full digital age. Videotapes and Compact Discs are things of the past. People use apps like Spotify (2006) and Apple Music (2015) to listen to music and watch TV shows. Modern TVs now come with Netflix (1997) already installed. YouTube already has more viewers than live TV, which is a clear sign that live TV (other than events) will be a thing of the past and we will watch our favorite shows through subscriptions, just like we do now. Sky TVs now focused on “On Demand” and “Box Sets” because it wants to be the leader in subscription-based programming.
Machine Learning
You may not realize it, but if you’ve ever used a search engine or a modern smartphone, you’ve already used machine learning.
Google’s search engine can find new ranking signals by using machine learning. This is very different from how Google’s Web 1.0 search engine ranked pages based on how many times a search term appeared on them. Google’s algorithm has hundreds of ranking factors, which makes it harder and harder to get your website to rank for the keywords you want.
Web 3.0- A future?
We’ve already used software and games that work on more than one platform. Once upon a time, you couldn’t open an Adobe Photoshop file made on Windows on a Mac, or the other way around. The same was true for other pieces of software. You can now open an Adobe Photoshop file on Windows OS, Mac OS, and apps for mobile phones and tablets.
Web 3.0’s future seems to be headed toward universal applications that can be read and used by a wide range of devices and software. This will make it easier to do business and have fun.
Gaming could lead to huge multi-player worlds where objects and worlds can interact with each other in endless ways. You can play games online on your phone or by moving tokens from your watch or headset.
The Decentralized Web
An internet where data can only accessed by the people who own it. With distributed data, it would be harder for one person to get all of it, and the chances of a breach would go down. This would force internet snakes to find other ways to make money. At the moment, businesses make hundreds of millions of pounds every year by selling users information. Web 3.0 can stop this from happening.
Blockchain Technology
In its most basic form, a blockchain makes it possible for digital property to be transferred from one person to another over the internet. The transfer is safe, and the blockchain keeps a public record of it. It is completely safe and secure and can’t be changed, which makes it a real contender to lead the Web 3.0 revolution.
Even though we don’t have an easy way to use Blockchain technology yet, it’s clear that it’s still in its early stages. However, it’s already faster, cheaper, and safer than the alternatives we use now. There is number of reasons to think that implementation of blockchain in many industries because it’s open and safe. This will take the web away from big companies and give it to you, the people who use it. The usage of bitcoin for online transactions is inevitable, regardless of the method. Enormous banks might use this method to transfer large quantities of money fast, while individuals may use it to pay for items.
On the other hand, a crypto transaction on the blockchain completed in a matter of seconds. You may buy a ticket and board a bus. The money transferred from one wallet to another by the time you select a seat. It’s also possible to purchase stuff and receive your money back in a flash.
There are already thousands of crypto coins and tokens, but less than 5% of the world’s population owns any. Many cryptocurrencies try to solve problems in the real world, such as corruption, poverty, theft of intellectual property, or data security. The examples above are just a few.
Digital wallets used to send and receive money quickly, securely, and across borders, more traditional coins and tokens. Credit cards were getting copied and PayPal accounts have been hacked and used to scam online stores. Even if the money is insured, it’s still a huge hassle for the store owner, and if customers are upset, it could hurt their reputation. Using Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), financial assets moved with a record that doesn’t show how much the transaction was worth. Because of this, fraud is very hard to do. Most of us have paid extra charges when we bought something or paid for lunch. To get our money back, we had to call the seller and our bank. This won’t be possible with Web 3.0 technology, so the idea of double charges is just an old wives’ tale.
With cryptocurrency, it only takes a few seconds to move money from one country to another. This means that you could buy something in another country without having to pay the high fees that our banks charge. A card that doesn’t function in a restaurant or a petrol station is a nightmare. This is precisely what occurred to hundreds of customers when Visa went down at the beginning of August 2018.
We have come a long way since Web 2.0. Big things are happening in the world of Web 3.0. Everything about the world we live in has transformed by the internet. It’s a nice thing most of the time. We’ve just scratched the surface of what’s possible in terms of productivity and staying in contact with people.
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