IOTric Blog

IOTric is a leading Blockchain, Mobile, Web application, AR/VR, IoT, and Custom Software Development company with a team of experts capable of pushing the limits of the latest technologies for your business needs.


The evolution of Web (Web 1.0 to Web 3.0)

Poested August 2, 2022 Gyan Prakash

The transition from web 1.0 to web 3.0 The Internet and the Web are not quite the same things, yet they are closely linked. The Internet is a network of networks that connects millions of computers across the world, allowing them to interact with each other. The World Wide Web (WWW) is a technique which […]

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Smart Contract

Poested June 14, 2022 Gyan Prakash

What are Smart Contract and how it works? Introduction In this current era Smart Contracts are gaining a unique prominence. Blockchain stores digital contract in the form of smart contracts. In addition, Smart contracts include executable terms and conditions. They run automatically without any intervention of a third-party. The reason being, use of it is […]

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Poested March 14, 2022 Gyan Prakash

What, How and Why Decentralized Finance? DeFi stands for Decentralized Finance. It is an emerging financial technology consisting of secure distributed ledgers like cryptocurrencies. It is an open alternative to the conventional financial system and let the users borrow, invest, or trade the products. Being an open-source technology, hence anyone can program with it. It […]

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Poested January 14, 2022 Gyan Prakash

What is cryptocurrency and how does it works? Introduction With the growth in advanced technologies, there is also an addition of cyberattacks that happens often during the transitions. Maintaining strong security while conducting transfers and transactions has always been a challenging mission for business professionals as the global economy is shifting towards a digital system. […]

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