IOTric Blog

IOTric is a leading Blockchain, Mobile, Web application, AR/VR, IoT, and Custom Software Development company with a team of experts capable of pushing the limits of the latest technologies for your business needs.


What is Fractional Ownership in Real Estate Investment with Blockchain?

Poested July 24, 2024 Mahesh Patidar

  With the real estate market booming, starting property investments can be challenging and feel like trying to buy a castle with a piggy bank. But guess what? Thanks to the advancements in blockchain technology, we can buy a fraction of the higher-cost properties using the concept of fractional ownership.   Blockchain is vital in […]

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Top Blockchain Development Companies of 2023

Poested March 21, 2023 Gyan Prakash

Blockchain development companies are organizations that specialize in building and implementing blockchain-based solutions. As the demand for blockchain solutions continues to grow, these companies are playing an increasingly important role in shaping the future of digital transformation. In this article, we will explore the *top blockchain development companies that are leading the industry. 10. Iotric […]

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How Smart contracts are paving the way for businesses?

Poested March 1, 2023 Gyan Prakash

Introduction In today’s business world, traditional methods of executing contracts are often slow, inefficient, and prone to errors. These outdated methods can lead to a variety of problems, such as delayed payments, contract breaches, and disputes between parties. One of the most significant problems is the need for intermediaries to oversee and enforce contract agreements, […]

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Why is Web3 ideal for successful brand building in 2023?

Poested January 27, 2023 Gyan Prakash

Introduction Web3 provides a transparent, trust-based and automated platform for brands to interact with customers, it enables customers to participate in the decision making process, creating a loyal customer base and allow brands to reach new customers and markets, making it an ideal platform for successful brand building in 2023. With the ability to conduct […]

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How to become a blockchain expert in 2023?

Poested January 16, 2023 Gyan Prakash

Introduction Blockchain technology is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger used to record transactions across networks. The use of blockchain technology has grown immensely. Organizations are approaching towards decentralization instead of relying on a central authority. It is used with highly automated systems, making them easy to operate and manage by the help of Smart […]

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What are Decentralized Apps (dApps) in Blockchain?

Poested October 26, 2022 Gyan Prakash

Decentralized applications(dApps) Introduction Decentralized application is a form of distributed open source software that rounds on a peer-to-peer web based on a blockchain network of computers. These applications operate autonomously without a centralised entity in control of the mainstream of the applications accompanying tokens. In other words they are built on a decentralized network that […]

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The evolution of Web (Web 1.0 to Web 3.0)

Poested August 2, 2022 Gyan Prakash

The transition from web 1.0 to web 3.0 The Internet and the Web are not quite the same things, yet they are closely linked. The Internet is a network of networks that connects millions of computers across the world, allowing them to interact with each other. The World Wide Web (WWW) is a technique which […]

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Blockchain Technology in Media and Entertainment

Poested March 29, 2022 Gyan Prakash

How Blockchain Technology can transform Media and Entertainment industry? Introduction The media and entertainment industry are primarily based on relationships which means the content creators are often taking disadvantage through stealth profits and middlemen margins. Artists were never enlighten or exposed to the intricacies of business, finance, and law relative to their artistic expression and […]

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Poested March 14, 2022 Gyan Prakash

What, How and Why Decentralized Finance? DeFi stands for Decentralized Finance. It is an emerging financial technology consisting of secure distributed ledgers like cryptocurrencies. It is an open alternative to the conventional financial system and let the users borrow, invest, or trade the products. Being an open-source technology, hence anyone can program with it. It […]

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